
Item # RSC2161XLC-UD2, FS Tool Lineage XLC Chipbreakers, Finishing, Roughing Router Bits


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Introducing the longest lasting carbide spiral ever! Lineage is not a coating. It's the advent of an entirely new technology from FS Tool that will revolutionize your CNC cutting operations.or users of Point-to-Point or Pods-based CNC routers; this translates into an enormous benefit.  When oscillating or stepping down your tools, the wear points will become smaller and the surrounding cutting edge will remain sharper and more structurally stable. As a result, you can reduce the depth of your step or oscillation and gain additional run time.

Remarkably, the performance of Lineage XLC does not decrease after sharpening - it actually increases.  This is because an untreated Lineage cutting edge is more structurally stable prior to XLC being applied. However, once sharpened by re-fluting the tool, the cutting edge is restored to its original sharpness and integrity.

The classic melamine wear point is a clear, visible notch varying in height and depth. Typically it spans 1 – 3mm in height and 0.4mm in depth, and takes a concave form along the cutting edge. The cutting edge itself then becomes rounded, with a flare along the flute and back of the cutting edge. This wear pattern requires more cutting pressure to fracture the melamine and produce a clean cut. The increased pressure then causes more heat to be generated and an exponential rate of wear.

Lineage XLC eliminates this flare along the back of the cutting edge from occurring. It also reduces the width of wear as well as the depth by more than 50%. The effect is that less heat is generated through the cutting action and the wear of the cutting edge radically changes. Lineage XLC protects the back of the cutting edge, as well as prevents the wear pattern from widening beyond the contact point of the melamine. This produces more wear at the point of contact and essentially re-sharpens the edge as it wears.

The result is an astounding >40% ROI on tool life alone! Consider metrics of edge-banding, edge re-work, part re-runs, and production downtime due to tool changes and the impact that Lineage XLC will have on your operation becomes staggering.

Diameter1/2 in
Cut Height, Length, or Width1 1/4 in
Flute GeometryCompression
ManufacturerFS Tool
Overall Length3 in
Shank1/2 in