
Item # DFV1080, Everlast 10" Dia 80-Tooth 5/8" Bore .087" Plate 0.115" Kerf Double Face Veneer Saw - Alternate with Raker


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A saw specifically recommended for the cutting of double-sided veneered panels either with or against the grain. Splinter-free cuts in plywood. Also for cutting of veneer or hardwood strips for edge banding.

Alternate with Raker - AR - Similar configuration to ATB but every fifth tooth is a raker, which assists in reducing cutting pressure and material tearing during cutting. Can be used for rip cutting and cross cutting in a variety of hard woods, soft woods, plywood, and chipboard. This tooth configuration can be produced in a 2+1 or 3+1 design upon request.

Diameter10 in
Bore5/8 in
Kerf0.115 in
Plate0.087 in
Hook Angle-5 deg