
Item # 54322, Amana Tool Edge Molding Carbide-Tipped 1 1/4" Dia x 7/8" CH x 1/2" Shk 2-Flute w/Ball Bearing Guide


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Amana Tool Edge Molding Carbide-Tipped 1 1/4" Dia x 7/8" CH x 1/2" Shk 2-Flute w/Ball Bearing Guide

The torus-and-cove profile produced by this bit makes an excellent edge detail or molding. The pilot bearing allows you to make template-guided cuts with the bit. Use in a handheld or table-mounted router.

Replacement bearing for #54322 is #47706

ManufacturerAmana Tool
Diameter1 1/4 in
Cut Height, Length, or Width7/8 in
Flute2 w/Bearing
Bearing(s)47706, 3/16 ID x 1/2 OD x .195 Thick
Overall Length2 3/4 in
Radius5/32 in
R1/Radius5/32 in
Shank1/2 in

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