Freud Tools

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Freud® Saw Blades to Cut Non-Ferrous Metals: Series LP80M

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To cut drawn products and tubes with a thickness between 2mm and 5mm, as well as polymeric panels up to 20mm.

Machines: Portable machines
Features: Flat triple-chip tooth with positive cutting angle
Material: Aluminum and non-ferrous metals, polymeric materials

Non-ferrous metals: ultimate

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterArborPinholesTeethPlate Price Add To Cart
Compare LP80M001P
Freud Tools250 mm30 mm2/10/60802.2 mm N/A Add to cart
Compare LP80M002P
Freud Tools280 mm30 mm2/10/60642.2 mm N/A Add to cart
Compare LP80M003P
Freud Tools300 mm30 mm2/10/60962.2 mm N/A Add to cart
Compare LP80M004P
Freud Tools350 mm30 mm2/10/601082.2 mm N/A Add to cart