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Freud® Saw Blades to Cut Ferrous Metals: Series LP90M

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To cut drawn products and tubes with a thickness up to 4mm, dry cut (without lubricants).

Machines: Portable machines
Features: Flat triple-chip tooth
Material: For ferrous metals and soft steel

Ferrous metals: Ultimate

Item # Images DiameterArborKerfPlateTeethManufacturer Price Add To Cart
Compare LP90M002P
160 mm20 mm2.0 mm1.6 mm30Freud Tools N/A Add to cart
Compare LP90M005P
210 mm30 mm2.0 mm1.6 mm40Freud Tools N/A Add to cart
Compare LP90M006P
230 mm30 mm2.2 mm1.8 mm44Freud Tools N/A Add to cart