Amana Tool 'Euro-Rip' Ripping Saw Blades w/Cooling Slots & Anti-Kickback Feature

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Designed for ripping hardwood and softwood, this exceptional blade cuts fast and smooth. The flat-top grind and the high positive hook angle (20°) reduce feed effort. The anti-kickback limits the thickness of chip, to offer a safer cut. Cooling slots in the body prevent excessive heat build up.

Warning: Before use, read saw blade safety guidelines in Amana’s catalog.

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterBoreGrindKerfNotePinholesPlateTeethHook Angle Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool14 in (350 mm)30 mmFT0.126 inP.H. = pin-hole configuration. Example: 2/10/60 = 2 @ 10mm dia on 60mm circle.2/7/42 & 2/10/60.087 in2818 deg $103.24 Add to cart
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