Amana Tool Cut-Off & Crosscut Heavy Duty Saw Blades: ATB Grind

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This is a heavy duty production blade for general trimming and crosscutting of hardwood and softwood. It has an extra-thick plate and cuts a wide kerf. The hook angle is aggressive, varying from 10° to 18°, depending on the tooth count and blade diameter. All blades feature the alternate top bevel grind for clean cuts.

Appropriate for use on table saws and radial arm saw.

Warning: Before use, read saw blade safety guidelines in Amana’s catalog.

Item # Images DiameterBoreGrindKerfAnglePlateTeethManufacturer Price Add To Cart
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12 in (300 mm)1 inATB0.173 in10 deg.110 in96Amana Tool $250.35 Add to cart
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16 in (400 mm)1 inATB0.173 in10 deg.110 in60Amana Tool $230.93 Add to cart
Compare 716960
16 in (400 mm)1 inATB0.173 in10 deg.110 in96Amana Tool N/A Add to cart