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Amana A.G.E. Series Thin Kerf Sliding Compound Miter & Radial Arm Saw Blades

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Designed for sliding compound miter saws.

These blades are specially designed for sliding compound miter saws, providing an exceptional finish. The -3° or -5º negative hook angle provides an extra margin of safety by pushing the stock downward and toward the fence. Thin kerf blades reduce waste in expensive materials and require less horsepower to operate.

Warning: Not recommended for cutting non-ferrous alloys.

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterBoreGrindHook AngleKerfNotePlateTeeth Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool8.5 in5/8 in4 ATB + 1 MFT-5 deg0.087 in5/8 in arbor with diamond knockout.0.055 in60 $69.19 Add to cart
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Amana Tool10 in5/8 in4 ATB + 1 MFT-5 deg0.094 inOne of Amana's most popular blades.0.071 in60 $72.23 Add to cart
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Amana Tool14 in1 in2 ATB + 1 FT-5 deg0.118 inOne of Amana's most popular blades.0.100 in96 $142.54 Add to cart
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Amana Tool10 in5/8 in4 ATB + 1 FT-3 deg0.094 inArmorMax non-stick coating0.071 in60 $81.75 Add to cart

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