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Amana A.G.E. Series Steel For Use W/Low RPM Specialty Saws

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The ideal blade for cutting all metals.

Designed to easily cut through steel studs, steel sheets, metal rods, steel pipes, channels, and rebar*. Specially designed carbide grade resists breakage and lasts longer than standard carbide or abrasive discs. The ideal blade for cutting through all sorts of metal due to its unique tooth geometry, special carbide, and its chip limiting steel support.

Carbide-Tipped Blades for Alloy & Virgin Steels:
-Special carbide grade resists breakage, lasts longer
-Cuts through alloy and virgin steels
-Chip limiting steel support to prevent over feeding
-Can be re-sharpened for increased value

*Cutting high strength rebar materials will reduce blade life due to material toughness.

Warning: Not to be used on multi-purpose cut-off saws or gas powered saws. Not recommended for cutting non-ferrous alloys, wood, glass, concrete, or plastic.

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterBoreGrindHook AngleKerfNotePlateRPMTeeth Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool14 in1 inWWF--0.094 in--0.078 inRecommended Range of 1,150-1,70072 $153.26 Add to cart
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Amana Tool14 in1 inWWF--0.094 inOne of Amana's most popular blades.0.078 inRecommended Range of 1,150-1,70090 $197.63 Add to cart

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