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Amana A.G.E. Series Adjustable Scoring Sets: ATB Grind

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Chip-free cuts on both sides of the material.

Used on vertical panel saws and sliding table saws with separate scoring units for chip-free cuts on both sides of the material. Adjustable scoring sets consist of two 12-tooth saw blades with shims to adjust the kerf width (2.8mm to 3.6mm). Used in combination with our plywood/laminate series triple chip blades only.

Warning: Not recommended for cutting non-ferrous alloys.

Item # Images ManufacturerBoreDiameterHook AngleKerfNotePinholesPlateTeeth Price Add To Cart
Compare MD120-T12
Amana Tool20 mm120 mm12 deg2.8-3.6 mm. - 110-.144 in----2.2mm(x2) - .087 in (x2)12x2 $100.73 Add to cart
Compare MD120-T14
Amana Tool22 mm120 mm12 deg2.8-3.6 mm. - 110-.144 inA most popular saw blade--2.2mm(x2) - .087 in (x2)12x2 $100.73 Add to cart
Compare MD120-T20
Amana Tool50 mm120 mm12 deg2.8-3.8 mm - .110-.149 inFor use in Altendorf RAPIDO Scoring System4/6.4/62 countersunk2.2mm(x2) - .087 in (x2)12x2 $148.24 Add to cart
Compare MD120-T10
Amana Tool3/4 in120 mm12 deg2.8-3.6 mm. - 110-.144 in----2.2mm(x2) - .087 in (x2) $100.73 Add to cart

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