Mastercut Tool 3 Flute Downcut Spiral

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Material Finish-Top: Excellent
Material Finish-Bottom: Poor

Spiral flute router bits should only be used in automatic feed operations. They’re good for use on all materials.

Downcut routers produce the best finish to the top of the material. Chips flow in a downward direction.

Endmill Points are most often found on 3 and 4 flute routers. They’re good for achieving a smooth finish on a flat bottom surface, and are commonly used in the plastic routing industry.

Item # Images DiameterCut Height, Length, or WidthEnd Pt TypeFlute GeometryFluteHelix AngleOverall LengthShankManufacturer Price Add To Cart
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1/8 in1/2 inEndmillDowncut330 deg2 in1/4 inMastercut $27.25 Add to cart
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3/16 in5/8 inEndmillDowncut330 deg2 in1/4 inMastercut $27.25 Add to cart
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1/4 in3/4 inEndmillDowncut330 deg2 1/2 in1/4 inMastercut $27.25 Add to cart