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Amana Tool End Mill Point Roughing Spiral, Composite Material Solid Carbide Multi-Flute Router Bits

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Special grade solid carbide bits feature unique grinding and multi-spiral flute design. Suitable for ‘roughing’ cuts in hard and abrasive composite materials such as  carbon fiber, Trespa®, fiberglass, etc. Special grade carbide for maximum durability.

Downcut for better clamping when machining small workpieces and improved finish on the top of the board. For use on routers and CNC machines.

Excellent for Cutting:
-Acrylic Stone
-Carbon Fiber
-Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
-Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer
– Plastic Materials (GFR)
-Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterFlute GeometryCut Height, Length, or WidthFluteOverall LengthShank Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool1/4 inDowncut1 inMulti2 9/16 in1/4 in $75.98 Add to cart

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