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Amana Tool "Overhang" Trim Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute w/Ball Bearing Guide

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Amana Tool “Overhang” Trim Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute w/Ball Bearing Guide

Stage flush trimming cuts, whether in laminate work or template work, with these bits. Trimming the material in two passes reduces chipping in laminates and tearout in solid wood. A preliminary cut with the overhang bit leaves a small overhang in laminate or template work, an edge slightly protruding the template. Complete the operation with a final pass, using a standard trim bit.

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterCut DepthCut Height, Length, or WidthBearing(s)Flute GeometryFluteOverall LengthShank Price Add To Cart
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