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Amana Tool Roman Ogee Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute w/Ball Bearing Guide

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The Roman ogee bit, which has a convex curve coming off the bearing, produces the reverse of the ogee (it isn’t an upside down ogee). The curve starts at the top as a concave, and fairs down into a convex curve. Use in a handheld or table-mounted router.

Includes Miniature:

The smallest guide bearings in the industry! If you’ve often wanted to trim and shape small details in tight corners, but were disappointed by the scoring and burning left behind by solid pilot bits, we have what you are looking for—8 of the most commonly used profiles in miniature sizes, complete with miniature ball bearing guides. These bits are perfect for signs, lettering, small boxes, and musical instruments—essentially any project that requires tiny flush trimming or shaping. Don’t let the small size fool you, these bits are precisely machined and carbide-tipped.

3/16″ bearings stay cool, unlike brass pilots
Rout the most intricate contours for delicate projects
Perfect for crafters and hobbyists
Fine Musical Instruments

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterCut Height, Length, or WidthBearing(s)FluteOverall LengthRadiusShank Price Add To Cart
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