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Amana Tool Template Replaceable Cutter Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute

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-No resharpening
-Interlocking hex design
-Economical alternative to brazed bits

Cut straight and flush with each and every cut without ever resharpening your bits. E-Z Change™ router bits are an economical alternative to standard router bits. They feature replaceable head carbide-tipped cutters, saving you money by replacing only the cutters instead of the entire tool when the knives become dull. You won’t need a second bit while yours is in the sharpening shop; instead, just change the cutters. You won’t even lose your set-up because the E-Z Change™ cutters can be replaced with the bit in the router collet. The interlocking hex design guarantees that the cutting surfaces will not slip during use.

Excellent for Cutting: Laminates, MDF, Plywood, Wood, Acrylic

Item # Images DiameterManufacturerBearing(s)Cut Height, Length, or WidthFluteReplacement PartsNoteOverall LengthShankPart Descp. Price Add To Cart
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