Amana Tool Leigh® Jig Straight Carbide-Tipped Bits 2-Flute

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The dovetail joint is the strongest construction method for drawers, boxes, chests, and fine casework. Amana Tool® designs the bits needed by many router dovetail jigs that require cutting half-blind and through dovetails. We carry the bits for name-brand dovetail jigs, including Leigh®, Keller™, Omnijig®, and Incra®.

Leigh® dovetail jigs use 8° dovetail bits for through dovetail tails. These are three straight bits used in the jig to cut depths relative to the pin board or drawer front for that look of a hand-cut sophistication.

EOASAW - Amana Tool Leigh® Jig Straight Carbide-Tipped Bits 2-Flute

Item # Images ManufacturerApplicationDiameterCut Height, Length, or WidthFluteOverall LengthShank Price Add To Cart
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Amana ToolLeigh #1405/16 in1.03 in22 1/4 in1/4 in $14.55 Add to cart
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Amana ToolLeigh #1601/2 in1 1/4 in23 9/64 in1/2 in $17.78 Add to cart
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Amana ToolLeigh #1507/156 in1 1/4 in23 in1/2 in $24.34 Add to cart