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Amana Tool Reversible Crown Molding Extender Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute

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Create crown molding up to 4 1/2″ wide!

Now you can make extra-large architectural crown moldings with your table-mounted router. Our new extender bit enables you to make unique crown moldings in every type of wood. You’re no longer limited to the small selection of crown moldings at the lumber dealer. This specially designed bit works in conjunction with either our vertical or horizontal crown molding bits, allowing you to make crown moldings up to 4 1/2″ wide. Bevel back edges, cutting off 45° excess using one of our chamfer bits.

Can be used with other crown molding bits to create many different combinations!

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterCut Height, Length, or WidthFluteNoteOverall LengthRadius R1/RadiusShank Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool1 1/4 in2-3/8 in2Can be used with other crown molding bits to create many different combinations!4 in7/16 in3 15/16 in1/2 in N/A Add to cart

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