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Amana Tool Crown Molding Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute

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Produce mid-sized crown, cove and bead molding profiles for architectural and furniture applications. The bits cut the profile and bevel, as necessary, which is the show face of the workpiece.

Bevel the top and bottom edges on the table saw to complete the molding. Use a 2+ horsepower router, mounted in a table, with a fence to guide the work. To prolong cutter life, reduce strain on the router. For the best cut finish, make several passes to achieve full cut depth. Bevel back edges, cutting off 45° excess, with one of our chamfer bits.

Item # Images ManufacturerDiameterFluteCut Height, Length, or WidthOverall LengthRadius R1/RadiusShankRPM Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool1 1/4 in22 1/4 in5 in3/16 in7/16 in1/2 inWarning: Maximum RPM = 22,000 $90.49 Add to cart

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