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Amana Tool Base Molding Ogee Edge Detail Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute

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One of the easiest ways to dress up a room is to replace the skimpy base molding with a wide, bold profile. Amana Tool® offers classic ogee profiles in two sizes so that you can choose a size that best fits with the architectural details of the room. For quick easy installation, we recommend that you attach the molding to the top of the base. This method greatly simplifies installation by allowing for a butt joint on inside corners.

Replacement parts: bearing #47706; screw #67014

EOASAW - Amana Tool Base Molding Ogee Edge Detail Carbide-Tipped 2-FluteEOASAW - Amana Tool Base Molding Ogee Edge Detail Carbide-Tipped 2-FluteEOASAW - Amana Tool Base Molding Ogee Edge Detail Carbide-Tipped 2-Flute

Item # Images ManufacturerBearing(s)DiameterB1Cut Height, Length, or WidthReplacement PartsFluteNoteOverall LengthRadius R1/RadiusShank Price Add To Cart
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Amana Tool#477061 7/16 in1/4 in19/32 inScrew #670142--2 in5/16 in3/8 in1/2 in $74.18 Add to cart
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Amana Tool#477061 53/64 in7/32 in3/8 inScrew #670142Not for use in CNC machines.2 in19/64 in13/32 in1/2 in $71.48 Add to cart

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