Home > Drill Bits & Boring Tools > Whiteside Machine Company Drilling & Boring Whiteside Machine Company Drilling & BoringThank you for shopping with us! Search by Specification Request Information Castle Boring Bits(3)Whiteside Machine 3-Wing Composite Drills 3 7/8" OAL Carbide-Tipped Quick Change Shank(23)Whiteside Machine 3-Wing Wood Drills 6" OAL Carbide-Tipped 1/2" Shank(16)Whiteside Machine Brad Point Transom Drill - 5" OAL Quick Change Shank(3)Whiteside Machine Composite Drills w/Pilot Drill 3 7/8" OAL Carbide-Tipped Quick Change Shank(13)Whiteside Machine Countersinks, Drills for Countersinks, and Counterbores(37)Whiteside Machine Dowel Drills(172)Whiteside Machine Hinge Boring Bit - Cup Hinge(1)Whiteside Machine Hinge Boring Bits - 57mm & 70mm OAL - LH/RH - Carbide-Tipped(20)Whiteside Machine Self-Centering VIX Bits & Replacement Drill Bits(14)Whiteside Machine Spare Parts for 3-Wing Drills, Hole Saws, Quick Change Shanks(9)Whiteside Machine Transom Drill - 5" OAL Quick Change Shank(5)Whiteside Machine Transom Drill - 8" OAL Quick Change Shank(7)