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Item # LSC45008, Freud® " Supercut" Panel Sizing Saw Blades with Variable Pitch: LSC Series

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Thank you for shopping with us! To size single or multiple panels.

Machines: Horizontal panel sizing machines with scorer.

Features: Double triple chip tooth with positive cutting angle. Perfect for cutting at high feed rates to increase production throughput. Due to the precision cutting edge and resulting flawless finish, no additional machining is needed before edge banding. The LSC saw blade line was developed to achieve the highest possible feed rate with the best possible finish available. Performance = Productivity! Freud's exclusively patented vibration reduction reeds are strategically placed and engineered to give the greatest reduction in noise and vibration available. Benefits of the technology result in a 'best in class' performance for cutting both single sheets or stacked sheets on panel processing equipment.

Material: Chipboard or laminated wood composite materials.

 Edge of Arlington Freud saw blade diagram

To peruse more comprehensive information on Freud® Tools Industrial Circular Saws, click on the link to Industrial Saw Blades Catalog—Refer to Reference Table of Saw Blades for Panel Sizing Machines on Pages 50-57.
Diameter450 mm
Arbor60 mm
Kerf4.4 mm
Plate3.2 mm
ManufacturerFreud Tools