
Item # AGP1040, Everlast Astra Wood Saw 10" Dia 40-Tooth 5/8" Bore 15° Hook 0.087" Plate 0.115" Kerf - AGP - Alternate Top Bevel


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Everlast offers an alternative to the Forrest Woodworker II™* Blade. Exceptional rip and crosscut.

Alternate Top Bevel - ATB - Each tooth has top bevel typically between 10 and 20 degrees. Two teeth are required to provide a full kerf cut. Provides low cutting pressures, which reduce material tearing during the cutting process and provides a fine cutting finish. Best performance crosscutting.

Rated: Excellent and Very Good in Fine Woodworking Magazine.

*Trademark Forrest Manufacturing Company.

Diameter10 in
Bore5/8 in
Kerf0.115 in
Plate0.087 in